B&S Questions and Answers
Find here the answers to any questions you may have about our services
Find more about Renovations Projects and New Build Constructions in our interviews with Iain Laverock
“Do I need a Consultancy Service or an Architecture Service ?”
Our Consultancy Service is made for those who feel the need to have strong, neutral and objective guarantees before proceeding to their purchase or beginning any works on their properties. By analyzing all the parameters influencing any project we help you to make the right steps, at the right time and in the right order. We will study the Urban rules to avoid risking to do illegal works. We will estimate the cost of the works to prevent any unexpected works.
An Architecture Full Service or an Interior Design Management Service are made for those who already have defined their program, their budget and their calendar. Our goal is to make sure these parameters are balanced during our initial online meeting, before leading the project from A to Z through a tailor made proposal and a high standard project management.
“What is a Metric Survey ?”
A Metric Survey is a necessity in a Renovation Project to understand the actual condition of the building that will welcome the project. According to the dimension of the building to be surveyed, we do it on our own or ask a company to do it. It results on a set of plans, sections, façades at a scale between 1/500 and 1/100 that will serve as the raw material for us to work on.
“What is an “Applied Rules Analysis” ?”
Règlement National d’Urbanisme, Plan Local d’Urbanisme, Plan de Prévention des Risques d’Incendie, Prescriptions Patrimoniales, Règlementation Thermique, Règlementations d’Accessibilité, etc. The list of rules applied to your plot and to your project is long and it is an absolute necessity to collect all of them as early as possible in your project to guarantee its feasibility. This service includes the analysis of all the applicable rules to your project/plot and the preparation of a document allowing you to understand the conditions of its feasibility on that regard.
“What is a Concept Design ?”
Based on the Rules applied to your plot/project, Based on the Program you have defined, and the budget available, a Concept Design is conceived and drawn. This Concept Design includes plans, sections and façades for you to best understand the potential of your project. Under request, it can include 3D Rendering. A First meeting is planned when we have settled a layout on paper, in order to enlighten any doubt, suggestion or question. Based on your comments and the conclusions of this meeting, the Concept Design is then prepared on computer for its completion.
“How is established the Cost Estimation of a Project ?”
Based on the Concept Design, on the Technical Choices we will discuss together and similar projects recently quoted, we estimate the cost of your project with a reasonable accuracy, due to the current situation. This step allows you to confort the feasibility of your project or eventually divide it in different phases.
“Permis de Construire or Déclaration Préalable ?”
According to the specificity of your project, a Permis de Construire or a Declaration Préalable may be required. In this phase we prepare all the required information, fill the appropriate CERFA, print and prepare all sets of documents for you to bring to the city hall. We then follow the process and answer to any further question, needs from the authorities before receipt of their decree.
“Are Engineers a requirement ?”
According to the specificity of your project, Engineers may be required. May they be Structural Engineers, Thermal Engineers, Metric Surveyor, Soil Study Engineers, we will advise you on the necessity to consult them and help you to built the most appropriate team for your project.
“What is a Technical Documentation Phase ?”
At that step we have a Concept Design that is approved by you and by the authorities. The Technical Documentation Phase is the moment where we define in quality and quantity every detail of the project. Based on a selection of options prepared by us, you decide which materials will be used, what are the finishings, the faucets, the switchers, the floors, the colors, etc. While we prepare all drawing documents, a surveyor prepares all written documents, offering an accurate list of works in both quantity and quality. The documentation here produces allows us :
1) To make sure the providers/suppliers/builders give us a quote as accurate as possible, avoiding unexpected extra work during the construction phase,
2) To make sure that during the construction phase, what is done by the workers respects precisely what has been drawn, written and quoted.
“What is the Tender Action File ?”
The Tender Action File is the file we send to a list of pre-selected builders, suppliers and providers in order to get at least 2 quotes per chapter. At that step, we create a table where we list all suppliers, providers, builders known in the area and presenting a valid SIRET and APE number and a professional insurance. We contact between 3 to 5 companies per chapter of work. Those who are interested in the project receive the file and plan a visit onsite. Regularly we contact them to make sure their quote is progressing and no doubt have appeared. As soon as we receive a quote, we review it, include in the surveyor table the prices from that company and establish, quote after quote, the average price for your project. We negotiate with each of them in order to present you the best offers.
“Building Contract preparation ? Building Contracts award ? What do that cover ?”
At that step, you have approved one quote per chapter. We inform the companies that are selected and thank the others for quoting the project. In order to protect you during the construction phase, we prepare official contracts with each of them, that cover all parameters of the construction time such as penalties, delays, payment conditions, calendar etc. These documents are then signed by both you and every supplier/provider/builder involved. At this point everything is ready to start the works.
“How is the Construction Works Management organized ?”
Now that the calendar is defined, approved and signed by all, the works can begin. Based on that calendar, we regularly visit the worksite with the builders involved along the works. We take pictures, prepare a report that lists all eventual mistakes to be solved, all necessary drawings clarifying any particular point, order any material specifically chosen by you and us. All the information remains available on an online file accessible by you, the companies and us at anytime during the works. Every month, the companies send invoices reflecting the progress of the works. We analyse them, comment them if necessary and prepare an “Etat d’Acompte” for each chapter for you to understand what is to be paid, what remains to be paid, what are the penalties applied (when necessary) etc. This process lasts as long as the calendar requires. At the very end, when all the works are ready comes the time of the Acceptance of Works. With all companies, yourself and us, a visit is made for you to accept the works with or without conditions. Official Acceptance of Works are signed between the suppliers and you. Final payments are proceeded. The Project is completed. Enjoy it :)
“How do Brunner & Sanina charge their work ?”
The calculation of architectural fees is not ruled by law. At Brunner & Sanina, our fees are fixed.
Find more about Renovations Projects and New Build Constructions in our interviews with Iain Laverock
If You have any other question, Please contact us to arch@brunnersanina.com